Giving; A Love Language

Giving; A love language. 

Photo credit:Getty image.

This happened last week Thursday on my way back from Work on the Mainland, Lagos. Nigeria.

Beggers usually have their route along the walk way, the young, old, healthy, sick, any type of begger you can think of. All of a sudden I saw this woman, her hair was unkept, she wasn't actually on rags but she too was a begger. I also saw a crippled begger with 3 oranges in front of him, as a matter of fact he was sucking one already. Can you imagine what happened🤔, the begger of a woman went ahead to beg the crippled begger. it will shock you to know that, he didn't tell her NO, he simply opened the nylon for her to pick🤧.         
 My God, I was close to tears😭😪, other Passersby had to stop at this action.

I promised myself to write about this. I hope you learn from it.

photo credit: Getty Image 


So many of us, love to receive but find it difficult to give🤦. Especially when you find yourself in a country that is economically difficult and hard. Giving is a commandant "Give and it shall come back to you"  We necessarily do not always have to know who we are giving, as long as you Give. There are thousand and one reasons why you shouldn't give as a matter of situation and this hinders us from receiving our blessings. A closed hand cannot give and cannot receive.
Over the years I have learnt that, those we show Love to, remember our act for life and continue the thread."

"Giving is a seed we plant in the heart of the receiver".    

Church on the Street(Lagos Trybe) 

What can you give🤔

  • Give A Smile. Give a smile and give it to every single person that you meet, and you will receive smiles in return.
  • Give Out Good Thoughts. 
  • Give A Kind Word. 
  • Give A Cheerful Disposition. 
  • Give Appreciation. 
  • Give Encouragement. 
  • Give Honor. 
  • Give Happiness.
  • Give your time.     
And lots more.

There are Non-governmental organization where we can volunteer, some call it community service.However our contributions to the society at large goes a long way to the hearts of the individuals. Last year December, I was opportuned to volunteer with ARK Cregital and my mentality changed. I could see the joy and happiness on the faces of those we helped. They were strangers, Beggers, Random people. We would be having another one this year on the 12th of December 2019. This time around to 15,000 people and more. It's very possible with YOU. You never can tell where your little act can get to. 

ARK (Act of Random Kindness) an initiative by Evans Akanno and his Cregitals team.

                         Feel Free to visit Arkcregital on all social media platforms.

                           "No one has ever become poor by giving"

 "Giving is not what we do only when we have many things, but what we do always when we understand what it means to be in need".✍️
O. J Awodirepo.

Anticipate one of my upcoming blog post where I'll be talking about Volunteering as a lady in the 21st Century, There I'll be sharing NGO's where you can volunteer.

Thank you very much.
Yours Sincerely,


  1. Thanks for embarking on this incredible selfless journey of volunteering. Heaven will reward you ma. Also thanks for sharing a glimpse of your volunteering experience. I am convinced it will inspire others.

  2. "We give not because you have but because we know what it feels like to be in need ". People often misconstrue "I don't have much, so I can't give " but this isn't supposed to be so. Thank you very much for this insightful piece. I hope the word gets out there so we can bless more lives.

  3. Thank you ma for this. Is a great one

  4. This is full of insight. Let your pen keep bleeding!


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