Women in Politics


Women in government in the modern era are generally underrepresented in most countries worldwide. In many of these countries, women have had inadequate opportunities in social participation, especially in striving for political rights and power in the government and different institutions.

I really respect women who stand up to participate in the political affairs of our countries. Despite the wrong accusations they face, the pressure they get from their office, the demand from family, the community and personal activites.
Here in Nigeria there are few women in politics who are actually accorded respect pertaining to their offices.While on the contrary some find it difficult to handle their family along side, their social life and everything that has to do with their living outside the official/Political life.
We have had situations in the past although still in this present day, when women are believed to be stictly kitchen materials, to serve their husbands and children, to keep quiet when they ought to talk, therefore restricting their Freedom amongst community growth and development, as she is seen as a weaker vessel who is to be submissive and oppressed by the head, Her husband. Like in the characters of things fall apart by Chinua Achebe, The place of women in the society was that of fear and total submission without input in other affairs that didn't relate to the Kitchen, bedroom, children and her husband.

Unfortunately, women who have chosen to stand for the truth is politics are denied such rights and are threatened one way or the other by their counterparts which sometimes leads to inferiority complex and active participation by those in the grassroots.
Obiageli Ezekwesili one of Nigerians famous female politican who served as the Federal Minister of Education has not only shown that women can participate in Politics effectively but that we can go to any extent. Gender didn't pose as a challenge when she took the bold step of coming out as a President elect this year under the Allied Congress Party of Nigeria. Although Ezekwesili stepped down and clamoured a collation with one of the Presidental Assiprant, she however is a good example and leader to the younger ladies in their political decision making. 

According to UN WOMEN data from the National Assembly of Nigeria

“We have a whole lot of women across Nigeria that can do so much better than what we are offered now,” explains Joy Ada Onyesoh, National Coordinator of Nigeria’s Women Situation Room and Country Director for the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF). “The issue is that we are not given the opportunity… [Men] feel women are meant to be seen and not heard.”

Read up:

I would like to conclude that the earlier women come out the better, we should discourage Political Apathy and get involved in the political affairs of the country at large. Taking up leadership roles even in the smallest areas, this shouldn't be left for the men alone. Note, this isn't a feminist kindof speech or movement. It's an encouragement to women out there craving for their voices to be heard.

Women are the back bone men need to survive in politics, this makes us important and our voices forever heard. ©Praise Okwuchi
