HER PILLOW CONVERSATION:- The Feminine Version of Depression.

Her pilliow Conversation

The Feminine version of depression

Hey, it's been a while yeah.
How are you ladies doing?
Trust you are pushing? Well I am only that...

Depression (major depressive disorder) is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. 

There is this thing about crying that your pillow understands. It's soft enough to give you a hug and make you relax even when you're tensed and anxious.
Do you also know that depression has its feminine version?
For this blog post, it has o. What makes a woman cry, the feeling she gets when the world seems to have turned it's back on her, differs from that of a man. Yealz. Even if she's the super woman you see on Instagram, Facebook...oya, let's mention where ladies pretend(the list goes on). I actually don't have any other adjective to qualify the action of a dying woman inside and a smiling woman outside aside pretence (I do it, so I can relate).

Why then is this so?
The feminine nature is 80% soft and 20% strong (my statistics though). The softness here signifies her emotional being; Her reactions towards situations around her,  her spoken words and other things relating to her emotions.While the strong represents her strength; what she can do, how she does it and her proactive nature, we all know a woman is a multitasker (oya patewo fu wan)

On the contrary, Women who we feel have killed their emotional side have probably gone through hell in the past that they couldn't explain to anybody and even those that explained were blamed and misunderstood. When this happens she bottles up, acts hard, gets accquited with whatever life throws at her.

Why Pillow, Why not Human?

A lady committed sucide and she gave the social media signs but well, probably we were not sensitive enough to decode, while those who decoded did that late. Most sucidial cases show signs and leave notes that we do not see.

Note: The devil suggests we decide.

 I won't say it's easy to know a depressed person, even when I go through shit, my teeth is wide enough to confuse you. So I either choose to cry in the toilet/bath tub, water is kuku there to wash my tears off 😁 or better still make my pillow my diary.
I've not mentioned God yet, because most people forget God knows and understands. Can he come down, No! Not the way you expect him to, but does he wipe those pilliow tears. Yes he does. He also sends people. Sometimes we wallow in our current state and don't allow these Godsent people do their work. Example: A friend keeps asking, are you okay? are you sure you are okay? She even takes her time to visit and you put on your smiling emoji and makeup.  It takes high level of discernment to know that some depressed people  fake to their friends when all is not well. No Gospel message about " your true friend will bla bla black sheep''( I've heard them before) πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚
Some days,of a truth human beings can't understand what you go through. How do you explain to your sister that her husband is responsible for the child you carry because you were raped by him, I'm not trying to cut onions or pound pepper but these things happen, even if we try to sweep them under the carpet.

What is the way out?
Discussing the feminine depression without solution is just explaining her problems. I've mentioned few here and you could also read up"when those tears drop"(one of my blog post).

Find solace and comfort in God; He didn't promise us a life without problems but sent the comforter to us.
Talk to somebody; it could be a councilor, a trust worthy friend. This releases the tension and reduces the burden you carry. Be sure it's a sensible person, cause advice of those we love go a long way
✓ Ejoor don't listen to songs that would make you soak your pillow the more. Lemme shake this table a bit. Your boyfriend broke your heart and you start listening to songs by Asa, CΓ©line Dion, Hey, that's no way to say goodbye by Leonard Cohen. I'm not saying they are bad o, don't misunderstand me. Just have sense.
Engage: Get yourself busy. This easily distracts us from what weakens us and makes us agile by doing that which we enjoy, well depending on the depression stage/level as the case maybe, this might not work for everyone.
Don't get drunk: I know this is usually notable amongst men but women who get drunk all in the name of forgetting your sorrow. Sisi, dont dwell on temporary pleasure and call it eternal solution.

I'll leave the floor open to us in the comment box, your story, your solution might help a young lady at the verge of ending this life.
Besides Lagos now is very very hot, if you end your life. Hell is hotter, no air-conditioner or water to cool off. 😁

Have an optimist Monday. 
Yours Sincerely.
